As one of their Master Makers Fairfield World provided me with the fiberfill used in this project as well as compensating me for this post, but all ideas and opinions are my own.
I keep thinking that spring has arrived in Utah, the weather warms up, it is beautiful outside, and then the next day it snows. I guess maybe that does mean spring has arrived in Utah, unpredictable, warm one day cold the next. I felt like the world's worst mom a couple of weeks ago when I sent my kids to school in the morning without checking the weather forecast. It had been nice for several days and that morning we woke up to everything being wet like it had rained overnight. It was overcast so I figured it would rain some more. One of my boys tried to convince me that he didn't need to wear a jacket because it wasn't cold outside anymore. I made him wear it anyway but just a jacket not a coat. I sent all of my kids to school in sweatshirt type jackets. One of them had on canvas shoes. Another had on slip on dress shoes with no socks. Minutes after the last one got on her bus it started snowing. Big, fat flakes. And it kept snowing. It wasn't long before everything was white. We probably got 3 inches of snow. I felt horrible. It seems like we have gotten a lot of snow this year and I am so ready to be done with it. I am ready for spring weather. Spring always makes me think of things like birds and flowers so in hopes that spring will truly be here soon I decided to make a little crocheted bird.