5 Little Monsters: Top 20 Posts of 2024

Top 20 Posts of 2024

Each year as we come up on the end of the year I like to look back on the projects and patterns that I have shared over the year and see which ones were the most popular.  It is always a fun way to look back at the things that I have made throughout the year. These are my most popular posts that were new posts shared this year, so if an old post from a few years ago does really well that is awesome, but it is not included in this list. Also, I only included actual project/pattern posts so things like crochet along announcement/landing pages are not included in the list. 

This year was kind of a a strange one for me. I felt like it was a lot harder to find time to make stuff and I ended up publishing fewer posts than I ever have since the first full year I had my blog. I think there are a few reasons for that, mostly relating to just being an extra busy time for my family, we just had a lot going on and sometimes I needed to take a break to focus on that, and sometimes it was hard to end that break and get going again. I am so grateful for a job that allows me the flexibility to step back a little when I need to, but I also missed spending as much time creating and look forward to getting back on track with it in the coming year. Crafting and creating brings me so much joy and I love sharing the things that I make. One of the big highlights of last year was the 4 Mini Amigurumi Crochet Alongs and several of those patterns made last year's list. This year I was only able to do 3 Mini Amigurumi Crochet Alongs, but several of those patterns still made the list, including some from the most recent crochet along only a couple of weeks ago. 

Did your favorite new 5 Little Monsters pattern make the list?

Counting Down the Top 20 Posts of 2024

20- Little Ladybug

Coming in at number 20 is the Little Ladybug from the Pond Pals Mini Amigurumi Crochet Along this spring. Several of the patterns from that crochet along made the list, in fact looking at the picture above you can see that.  

19- Adorable Ant

Another of the Little Pond Pals, the Adorable Ant was the second pattern in the Spring Mini Amigurumi Crochet Along. 

18- Little Steggie

Number 18 is another Mini Amigurumi, but this time from the summer crochet along. Little Steggie was the first pattern in the Little Dinos Crochet Along.

17- Bumbling Bee 

Number 17 is yet another Mini Amigurumi from the Pond Pals Crochet Along this Spring. Like I said, you will see several of them on the list, in fact I think only one of the twelve didn't make the list and it was just barely outside the top 20. 

16- Floret Washcloth 

Coming in at number 16 is not a mini amigurumi! The floret stitch was a new to me stitch, one that I hadn't used before, and it creates such a pretty texture for this set of Floret Stitch Washcloths. 

15- Friendly Frog

Number 15 is another one of the Pond Pals. This time the little Friendly Frog. 

14- Little Donkey 

The pattern that made the 14th spot is the Little Donkey from the Little Nativity Mini Amigurumi Crochet Along that just happened earlier this month.  

13- Beautiful Butterfly 

Rounding out this second group, number 13 is the Beautiful Butterfly. This was another of the Little Pond Pals from the spring crochet along. 

12- Mini Mallard 

Number 12 is, you guessed it- another pond pals mini amigurumi. The Mini Mallard was one of 3 birds that were part of that crochet along.

11- Teensy Turtle 

Finishing off the bottom half of the top 20, in 11th place, is the Teensy Turtle. This little turtle was another from the Pond Pals Crochet Along.    

10- Happy Hummingbird

The number 10 most popular pattern this year is another little Pond Pal, and another of the birds, the Happy Hummingbird. 

9-  Christmas Tree Plush

The ninth most popular pattern of the year is another Christmas pattern. The Christmas Tree Plush is made with soft and squishy blanket yarn and makes a pretty cute little Christmas plushie!

8-  Small Snail

Number 8 is once again another mini amigurumi from the Pond Pals Crochet Along this spring, and it isn't the last one that will make the list! 

7- Little Mary  

Coming in at number 7 is another design from the Christmas Crochet Along, the Little Nativity Crochet Along. It was the first pattern in the series, Little Mary.  

6- Squishy Bunny

Number 6 is another super soft and squishy plushie, this time perfect for Easter. The Squishy Bunny is made with soft chenille yarn.

5- Trinity Stripe Hat

Now to the Top 5 posts of the year. The number 5 pattern of the year was the Trinity Stripe Hats. These hats combined stitches from a couple other favorite hat patterns to make a fun textured hat in 5 sizes. 

4- Juniper Scarf 

The 4th most popular post this year was the Juniper Scarf. This pattern was part of a crochet along that I participated in with other crochet pattern designers. 

3- Wiggly Worm

Number 3 is another from the Pond Pals Crochet Along, this time the little worm from day 4 of the crochet along this spring.  I think this one is kind of funny, because it is such a simple pattern, but it is a pretty cute little Wiggly Worm. 

2- Dainty Dragonfly

Now to number 2, the second most popular post of the year was another Pond Pals Mini Amigurumi. The Dainty Dragonfly is the highest ranked of the Pond Pals.  

1- Animal Finger Puppets

And finally in the number 1 spot, the most popular new pattern released this year is...

The Animal Finger Puppets that I made as part of my Book Inspired Crafts Week, a week of projects inspired by some of my favorite books, some books from my childhood, other books my kids have loved. This particular project was inspired by the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? I made a set of finger puppets to match the 9 animals in the book, in the same colors that they are in story. But they would also be fun just as a set of finger puppets in any color you want. 

It is always a lot of fun to look back at projects throughout the year. I enjoy putting this post together every year. Once again, like last year, the Mini Amigurumi from the crochet alongs took a lot of the top spots, and to be fair they were about half of the projects that I made this year so I guess that is to be expected a little bit. I have really enjoyed doing the crochet alongs and have lots of different theme ideas so I will be continuing to do them in 2025. I also hope to share a lot of other projects that I have planned, other crochet projects as well as sewing, Cricut, embroidery, kids crafts, and other projects. 

Thank you for all of your support through the past year, and really over the past 10 years. I love sharing my patterns with you and seeing the things that you make. I am so grateful for all of you!

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