5 Little Monsters: March 2025

Embroidered Felt Bookmarks

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Today is a day I have been looking forward to all year. Two years ago I started what has now become an annual series on my blog- Book Inspired Craft Week. It is a week long series around the first week of March, which is also right around Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss's Birthday. Every year my kids schools do a week of special activities, dress up days, read-a-thons, etc. and a couple years ago I thought, I love books and I love crafts, why not combine the two and join in the reading themed fun. Each day I choose a book that is either one that I remember loving when I was a kid, or one that has been a favorite of my kids or other family members, or that have some kind of connection to. I try to include a variety of picture books and chapter books, but all kid friendly.